07 Jul


"I don't need so much more, I just need room to be wrong sometimes." 

Song: "What I'm Here For" by NEEDTOBREATHE

THE MEAT (The Main Idea)

In a world that often demands perfection and leaves little space for error, the sentiment expressed in the verse "I just need room to be wrong sometimes" resonates deeply. This simple yet powerful line comes from the song "What I’m Here For" by NEEDTOBREATHE, perfectly capturing the universal desire for freedom to make mistakes and learn from them without the critical eyes of others. 

In this blog post, we will explore the depths behind this verse and the importance of embracing our fallibility in a society that often expects infallibility. Every day, we are bombarded with images of success and narratives of perfection. Be it Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok, we find ourselves scrolling through a curated collection of seemingly flawless moments. What we often fail to recognize is that the image we see—the fifth retake—may have undergone meticulous editing and filtering to present a seemingly effortless display of perfection. It's easy to believe that what we witness is the first and only version, but it's important to acknowledge the extensive effort that may have gone into creating that flawless facade. This is our topic for the blog today. The pressure to meet unrealistic standards can leave us feeling paralyzed, fearing any misstep that might tarnish the carefully constructed facade of flawlessness. However, hidden within this societal expectation lies a powerful truth: our mistakes do not define us; they refine us.

 THE CHEESE (Added Depth)

Perfectionism can be suffocating, demanding faultlessness and leaving no room for error. The constant pressure to meet impossibly high standards takes a toll on our well-being and stifles personal growth. I know, because I am a recovering perfectionists. I often will look at someones peek of performance as my starting line. What took them ten years to accomplish is where I unrealistically believe I should be when I begin my journey. 

But what if we could find freedom in embracing our mistakes? In this section, let's explore how to break free from the stranglehold of perfectionism and embrace the power of being wrong.

Reframe Mistakes as Learning Opportunities: 

Shift your perspective on mistakes, seeing them as valuable learning opportunities rather than failures. Recognize that growth often occurs through trial and error. By reframing mistakes as stepping stones on the path to progress, you can transform the way you approach challenges. I find that humor is a great onramp to embracing our wrongs and stepping further away from perfectionism. 

Set Realistic Goals and Expectations: 

Perfectionists often set unrealistically high standards. Practice setting achievable goals that allow room for imperfections and mistakes. Celebrate progress along the way, shifting the focus from perfection to continuous improvement. 

Contrary to what perfectionism leads us to believe, being wrong can be an opportunity for self-discovery. Embrace vulnerability and open yourself up to new possibilities. Accept that making mistakes is an integral part of the journey. You'll have to cultivate self-compassion and authenticity. As perfectionism fades, authenticity emerges. Embrace self-compassion by treating yourself with kindness and understanding when you make a mistake. Recognize that mistakes do not define your worth. By embracing your imperfections, you allow yourself to show up authentically. And honestly, that authenticity is the most beautiful part of any human. 

THE OLIVES (A Surprising Element)

In the realm of creative works, being wrong can sometimes lead to unexpected brilliance, but they can also shape our personal journeys in remarkable ways. One such example lies in the story behind the name of my business, which came about as an unintentional mistake. 

It all started during one of our "Dream sessions" with my husband, where we explored possibilities and imagined our future. As we discussed retirement and the desire to travel the world with purpose and wonderment, the idea of starting a coaching business emerged. We envisioned partnering with clients around the globe, combining our passion for coaching with the opportunity to explore different cultures and landscapes. As we dreamed out the details, the topic of naming our business arose. My husband, who has Finnish heritage, looked up the word for "carrot" in Finnish. He shared the word with me during our dream session, and I stored it in the back of my mind. Little did I know that this moment would later shape the name of our business.

Years passed, and an opportunity arose for me to work as a coach with a consultant. However, she needed the name of my business for our collaboration. In that moment, without hesitation or overthinking, I recalled the word we had mentioned during our dream session - the supposed Finnish word for carrot. I confidently told her our business name was Karaton Consulting.

It was only after signing state papers, paying fees, and setting up a business account that I discovered a truth that caught me off guard. Karaton was NOT the Finnish word for carrot. My husband, realizing the wrong that was made, suggested that we rectify the situation and find the correct word. But something inside me resisted the change. I found myself embracing the imperfect title we had unintentionally created. I loved that the mistake would serve as a reminder that perfection is not the aim and that life is often beautifully flawed. The imperfect name became a symbol of authenticity and a testament to our willingness to take risks and embrace the unexpected. I gave myself the room to be wrong.

For those curious about the real Finnish word for carrot, it is "porkkana." As you can see, it is nowhere near the name we had mistakenly chosen. Yet, that discrepancy only adds to the charm of our imperfect title, a reminder that trust and imperfections can lead to unexpected outcomes and create unique stories.

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