29 Jun


“The truth is always quiet. It’s the lies that are loud.”

The Jesus Revolution movie (2023)

THE MEAT (The Main Idea)

I recently viewed the movie "The Jesus Revolution," inspired by a book and real-life events, Kelsey Grammer portrays the role of a pastor. During a moving scene, a conversation unfolds between the pastor, played by Grammer, and his wife, portrayed by Julia Campbell. Their exchange struck a chord with me as Chuck, grappling with the overwhelming multitude of voices and perspectives, candidly expresses his frustration. He exclaims, "It's so hard to know the truth, there are so many voices all speaking at the same time..." To which Kay, brilliantly portrayed by Campbell, responds with a profound line: "The truth is always quiet. It's the lies that are loud." 

In a world saturated with constant noise, where everyone seems to have an opinion and information bombards us from all directions, discerning the truth can feel hard to do. Chuck's expression about the complexity of knowing the truth echoes a sentiment shared by many. Yet, it is in Kay's response that we find a nugget of wisdom that transcends the noise and confusion. By contrasting the volume of lies with the quietness of truth, the quote captures an essential truth about their contrasting characteristics. Lies, with their exaggerations and manipulations, often resort to loud and attention-grabbing tactics to assert their presence. They seek to drown out competing voices and create an illusion of importance. On the other hand, genuine truth emerges a quiet confidence. It doesn't require grand gestures or sensationalism to make its impact felt. Instead, it relies on its inherent authenticity and sincerity to resonate with those who seek it. The truth doesn't need to shout to be heard; it speaks softly yet powerfully, cutting through the noise and chaos. 

Simply put, truth doesn't need embellishments or theatrics because it carries the weight of integrity and honesty. And as we will see in a moment, honesty is a central component of a any strong organization.

THE CHEESE (Added Depth) 

We are going to look at the *Transformational Leadership theory to make a connection and dig deeper into our quote this week. Transformational leadership, a powerful framework used predominantly in educational leadership, emphasizes the leader's role in inspiring and motivating individuals to achieve extraordinary outcomes. It highlights the importance of authenticity, vision, and trust-building in educational settings. 

Our quote this week invites us to reflect on the contrasting qualities of truth and lies. Just as lies are loud, attention-seeking, and often devoid of substance, transformational leaders understand that authentic truth does not need embellishment or manipulation. Instead, it quietly manifests through open communication, transparency, and integrity. In the theory of transformational leadership, leaders are encouraged to establish a clear and compelling vision based on truth and authenticity. This vision serves as a guiding light, inspiring and engaging others to work towards a common purpose. By aligning their actions with the truth, leaders cultivate trust among their followers and create an environment conducive to transformative change. 

Transformational leaders also recognize the significance of open and honest communication. They foster an environment where individuals feel empowered to speak the truth, share ideas, and engage in constructive dialogue. By embracing truth, educational leaders create opportunities for collaboration, growth, and innovation within their educational communities. 

Now, let's answer these questions to examine your work environments for transformational qualities: Does the leadership in your work environment inspire and motivate individuals to achieve extraordinary outcomes? 

(1) Is there a clear and compelling vision that guides the actions and decisions of leaders? 

(2) Does open communication prevail, allowing for transparency and honest dialogue? 

(3) Do leaders encourage and empower individuals to speak the truth and share their ideas? 

(4) Is collaboration actively promoted and valued within your work environment? 

(5) Are there opportunities for individuals to contribute to the common purpose and work towards transformative change?  

In a world inundated with noise, where voices clamor for attention and misinformation can easily overpower reason, transformational leaders stand as beacons of authenticity and integrity. They recognize that the quiet strength of truth does not need to shout, for it carries an unwavering power that resonates deeply within individuals and communities. In your own work environments, take a moment to reflect on the questions provided. Assess the presence of transformational qualities and consider areas for further development. By attending to a culture of transformational leadership, based on the principles of truth and authenticity, you can create a space where individuals feel empowered to contribute, innovate, and drive transformative change within your educational communities. How does that sound?

*Bass, B. M., Riggio, R. E. (2006). Transformational Leadership. United Kingdom: Psychology Press.

THE OLIVES (A Surprising Element)

 Let's further explore the idea that truth can be both beautiful and captivating, challenging the notion that it needs to be hidden for the sake of others' comfort. At one point in my life, I worked on a very, very unhealthy team, they used a negative term called "peacocking." It was used in such a way that is was more of a warning like "stop peacocking" or "you're peacocking again." 

The phrase seems to imply a negative connotation associated with attention-seeking behavior. However, when we consider the inherent nature of peacocks, it becomes clear that their striking displays are not meant to be viewed as mere arrogance or showmanship. Peacocks cannot help but "peacock" – it is an integral part of their identity and natural expression. Similarly, the truth we seek to embody and communicate should not be stifled or concealed to conform to the expectations of others or to make others feel more comfortable by downplaying who you really are. 

Just as the peacock's display is a genuine expression of its beauty and authenticity, the truth we convey can also be a beautiful and captivating force. The quote, "The truth is always quiet. It's the lies that are loud," highlights the contrast between truth and falsehood, but it does not imply that truth is inherently dull or dreary. In fact, when we embrace our truth and allow it to shine, it can be both powerful and aesthetically appealing. Just as the peacock's vibrant feathers bring joy and wonder to those who witness their splendor, so too can the truth, when expressed authentically, we can captivate and inspire others. 

When truth is communicated with grace, integrity, and a genuine desire to connect and uplift, it can create an environment that encourages growth, collaboration, and positive change. So, let us reclaim the notion of "peacocking" and redefine it in a positive light. Instead of seeing it as a negative warning, let us recognize it as a call to embrace and express our truth in all its beauty and magnificence. By allowing our truth to shine brightly, we not only honor our authentic selves but also create a space where others feel encouraged to do the same. 

In this way, we challenge the notion that truth should be hidden or subdued for the comfort of others. Instead, we celebrate the inherent beauty and captivating nature of truth, empowering ourselves and those around us to embrace their unique qualities and shine their light in the pursuit of genuine leadership.

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