29 Dec


"Guys have underestimated me my entire life. And for years, I never understood why. It used to really bother me. But then one day,.. I saw this quote by Walt Whitman,... It said, 'Be curious, not judgmental.' I like that." .... All them fellas that used to belittle me, not a single one of them are curious... Cuse if they were curious, they'd ask questions."

Apple TV. (2020, September 25). Ted Lasso. Ted Lasso. episode.

 THE MEAT (The Main Idea)

If you haven't immersed yourself in the delightful world of Ted Lasso on AppleTV, I highly recommend it. In this memorable episode, Ted shares a quote that deeply resonates with significant personal and professional meaning. This quote was powerful enough to pierce the television screen. 

This notion of curiosity aligns with the idea that genuine understanding requires a departure from hasty judgments. It invites individuals to suspend their inclination to quickly assess or label others and instead opt for a more thoughtful, inquisitive stance. 

In a world often clouded by snap judgments, this advice serves as a reminder that embracing curiosity can lead to deeper connections, richer experiences, and a broader understanding of the complexities that make each person and situation unique. Here, the meat of the quote becomes a call to action, urging us to repurpose curiosity as a tool for connection and understanding. It suggests that curiosity is not just a passive quality but an active force at our disposal should we be intentional in using it. 

THE CHEESE (Added Depth) 

Being misjudged is not just a mere annoyance; it's an emotional whirlwind. 

The frustration of having a fabricated backstory thrust upon you without a single question asked is disheartening. The most profound revelation from my experiences is the striking opposite of truly being known. The best gift one can receive is to be understood for who they truly are. I've encountered moments where people, armed with incomplete information, created narratives about my life without bothering to ask a single question. It's a common human tendency to fill in the blanks and create stories—sometimes flattering, often far from the truth. When faced with such misjudgments, my initial reaction has often been, "You don't know me." What follows is a psychological standoff—I won't give you the chance to know me, and my sassy defiance will dig in. 

However, my plea to the world is simple: don't stop at assumptions; ask a question. The power of curiosity lies in its ability to unravel the layers of complexity. Always be inquisitive, not just about others but about everything in life. Rarely are things what they appear to be. By asking questions, you're also playing a part in making the person, organization, or system responsible for owning the answer—the opportunity to dig deeper into their own thinking. 

Embrace the power of curiosity to untangle the threads of assumption, for in those moments of genuine inquiry, we not only bridge gaps but unleash the untold narratives that paint a richer, more authentic portrait of each other.

 THE OLIVES (A Surprising Element) 

David Sedaris, the master storyteller, once shared his perspective: "It's exciting to think you're living in this world with all these other people, and today is an opportunity for you to connect with someone." I've had the pleasure of experiencing Sedaris live, exploring some of his books, and even taking his masterclass. In these encounters, his tales unfold with unconventional and unexpected questions, pulling people swiftly into a realm of connection. I can recall some of the most bizarre questions, like "Legs shaved?" "When was the last time you touched a monkey?," or "What's your favorite curse word?" These questions break away from the mundane script of normal and redefine the boundaries of conversation, steering clear of the typical "So, how's your day going?" 

Consider this: All questions are not equal. Think about those instances where everything seems okay, but beneath the surface, there's a richness waiting to be uncovered. It's the difference between a fine conversation and a rich conversation. It's the realization that sometimes, the key to unlocking a better outcome is as simple as being curious- asking one more question. 

Recall the iconic courtroom scene in "A Few Good Men." Daniel Kaffee, portrayed by Tom Cruise, nervously navigates the interrogation of Colonel Jessup, played by Jack Nicholson. After several attempts to get Colonel Jessup to admit to giving an unsanctioned order, Kaffee says, "I have just one more question... did you order the code red?" (okay, say it with me... "You can't handle the truth!"- you know you were thinking it). This question, the culmination of strategic inquiry, becomes the turning point, unraveling the truth. Had he stopped at questions like "Would your subordinates ignore your order?" he never would have gotten to the truth. 

The power of the right question, a bizarre question, the curiosity to get beneath the surface is to be found in the difference. It's the difference between accepting the surface-level narrative and peeling back the layers to reveal the intricate truths beneath.

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