New Teacher Mentoring

New Teacher Mentoring

Through one-on-one guidance, reflective practices, and ongoing support, we help new teachers navigate challenges, build confidence, and develop a strong foundation for their teaching journey.

New Administrator Coaching

New Administrator Coaching

Our personalized coaching sessions equip new administrators with the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed to navigate their leadership roles successfully. Through targeted development plans, leadership assessments, and ongoing guidance, we accelerate their growth and effectiveness as transformative educational leaders.

Teacher Improvement Plans (TIPS) and Principal Improvement Plans (PIPS)

Teacher Improvement Plans (TIPS) and Principal Improvement Plans (PIPS)

Personalized Roadmaps: Our experienced consultants work closely with schools to create made-to-measure improvement plans for teachers and principals. By conducting comprehensive needs assessments and analyzing past evaluations, we tailor address key areas for growth and opportunities to demonstrate these skills. Objective Observations: Unbiased observations help our consultants keenly observe teaching methodologies, classroom dynamics, and leadership practices, providing valuable insights that serve as a springboard for targeted improvement. Expert Coaching: Armed with insights from evaluations and observations, our skilled coaches engage educators and leaders in one-on-one coaching sessions. These sessions are designed to nurture strengths, address challenges, and provide actionable strategies for continuous growth and development.

Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) Support

Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) Support

At Karaton Educational Consulting and Coaching, we understand the critical significance of Individual Educational Plans (IEPs) as more than just documents; they are legal blueprints that define a student's unique learning journey. An IEP encapsulates the student's identity, learning style, needs, and a roadmap for accessing the general education curriculum. Our dedicated IEP Support program empowers educators, special education building/district staff, and stakeholders to master the art of crafting comprehensive IEPs that align with Part 200 compliance, while ensuring the student remains at the heart of every discussion.

Section 504 Support

Section 504 Support

We demystify the unique attributes of Section 504, clarifying its purpose and scope within the broader educational landscape. Our program ensures you grasp the significance of providing reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access for students with disabilities. Addressing the common confusion, our training clearly differentiates Section 504 from the IEP/CSE process. We equip you with the knowledge to identify which students are eligible for a 504 plan and guide you through the essential steps of its development and implementation.

Co-Teaching Support

Co-Teaching Support

Co-teaching isn't just a technique; it's a skill that demands knowledge and strategy. Our program takes you beyond the basics, providing a deep understanding of co-teaching's purpose and mechanics. When executed seamlessly, co-teaching becomes a harmonious dance that involves all participants – educators, students, and support staff – working together in perfect synergy.

Team Development

Team Development

Ever find yourself loving your job but struggling to connect with your colleagues? You're not alone – this common challenge might be quietly eroding your workplace culture. While individual performance is crucial, a cohesive team working toward shared objectives shines brighter than a group of isolated individuals. Our innovative approach is dedicated to bolstering team strength by unraveling the intricacies of team dynamics.